June 2, 2009 we received a very exciting, highly anticipated (and yet very unexpected phone call). It was time to update our homestudy so I wasn't shocked that the social worker called. I didn't get my hopes up, or expect to hear the words that followed... "We have a baby for you". I just about fell to the floor. I said, "No, I thought you were calling to update the homestudy!". I was wrong. She was calling because there is a beautiful, healthy baby boy waiting for us in Korea. The tears immediately began to flow. I barely remember the rest of the conversation. I searched for a pen and paper, but she assured me that the information was all on it's way via e-mail. The information and a picture. A PICTURE OF OUR SON!!! I promised myself I would not look until Imants was home (HOURS LATER), and we could both see our son for the very first time together.
I first told Livija. I said what do you think about us adopting a baby like in your book, I Love You Like Crazy Cakes? Her eyes got wide and serious and she said, "Mom, what are you saying to me?". I said, "You are going to be a big sister". It took a minute, but a smile slowly formed across her face and she said, "Let's go".
Livija and I kept busy the rest of the day creating a surprise for Papa.

We then waited for about a half hour in the driveway, with my camera in hand (of course), so we could capture the moment Imants found out he had a son.
Finally the time came to sit down as a family, learn about our son and see his beautiful picture. I'm not sure that I can post the picture just yet, but trust me, he is gorgeous and so so sweet.
Our son was born January 30th 2009, weighing 7 lbs 8 oz. He smiles spontaneously in his sleep. He gets a bath every other day between 9am and 10am. He is in perfect health and appears to be hitting all his milestones appropriately.
I'm still in shock. I stare at his picture most of the day, reading and rereading all the information about him. Livi calls him "My baby" or "My brother".
We waited "until someday" for this moment. Now we wait until the next someday for our baby to be in our arms. There is a series of hoops we must jump through from here (visas, immigration...), but hopefully that day will come sooner rather than later.
Until then, check in more often. I have a feeling this blog is about to get a lot more active.