Saturday I spent the day (the WHOLE day) cleaning and preparing for our friends to come visit from Boston. About an hour before they were supposed to arrive, Imants said they had left a message that they would not be coming. So what do you do with a clean house and a quiet evening? It was
MY idea to go to the movies.
I called my parents to see if they would babysit.
I picked the movie.
I chose the time to drop her off.... It was all
MY idea, or so I thought.
We pulled up to my parents' house and I ignored the cars in the driveway, stepped outside to be surrounded by friends and family. SURPRISE!!! My very own baby shower! I am not easy to surprise. I am quite nosey and VERY observant. Somehow, they got me.
Showers for baby number 2 are not traditionally done in my family, so I was not expecting one. Thankfully, I have a wonderful support system of family and friends that have celebrated EVERY step of the adoption path with us. With this baby FINALLY coming home (no, I don't know when YET, but soon!), my mother and my sister needed to throw a party. It was beautiful! A night under the stars of cocktails (a pro of being an expectant adopting mom), food, cake, and loved ones. Chinese lanterns hung from the tree, luminaries lit up the tables, and pictures of my sweet boy were everywhere.
We even released a Wish Lantern (otherwise known as khoom fay, sky lantern, chinese lanterns or thai lanterns). It is a paper lantern that floats up into the sky like a tiny hot air balloon. I believe it is a tradition in Thailand, and it floats into the night sky taking all our worries along with it.

It was a wonderful night. Thank you all for the love, support, gifts, and for letting us know that we are not waiting alone. This boy is very lucky to be a part of this big family.

PS. Our friends did come afterall... good thing the house was cleaned!