... so I guess it's time to share what has kept me so busy I haven't been a good blogger.
I'm trying to catch up though. This past July we went on our first vacation as a family of four. It was awesome. We introduced Kalvis to Latvian camp. Nothing like a week in the mountains with good friends. Livija joined her third year with the "ikskisi" group. This is a camp for the little ones that is chock full of activities ran by the parents of our littlest campers. Kalvis loved every minute of it. He swam, ran, danced, played, caught frogs, and danced some more. Kalvis and LIvija's 4 cousins joined us for the week, along with many other friends, both new and old. If you have a minute, sit back and enjoy our week. It kind of makes me sad that summer is coming to a close. I'll be working hard in updating the blog to the rest of our summer. We've been swimming, playing, celebrating Kalvis' Christening and even threw in a trip to Disney World to end the summer. All these wonderful things is why I'm a little backlogged. I hope you all enjoyed your summer as much as we did.