So where did I leave off? The flight was a... nightmare from hell? Yeah, that about covers it. LOL. Kalvis slept through take off, so I thought we were off to a good start... I'd say he slept a grand total of 6 hours, his papa got him to play and smile for periods that added up to about an hour.... that leaves us with approximately 7 hours of crying, and squirming and walking up and down, up and down the aisles. Kalvis just wanted me. The stewardesses offered to help. Older ladies offered advice and tried to soothe my boy, but he just wanted me. That got me through. He recognized me as someone who could comfort him. Through his tears he wanted me, and this got me through. His tears were not the only ones, I must admit. Exhaustion and sadness of my son's sadness brought on a lot of my own tears. Landing in JFK was such a relief.
Imants and I were SO excited to see Livija and have the four of us together for the first time. It was a joy that words can't begin to express. We were greeted by my little Livija, my parents, Imants' mom, my sister and her two girls, and my best friend. They held their welcome home signs with tears of happiness, and greeted us with big hugs. It was like crossing a finish line to the race of a lifetime.
Without a doubt it was an emotional day for everyone. I loved how Livija immediately took on the big sister role and held him like she's been doing it for years. Kalvis is a beautiful little baby and seeing the four of you together for the first time is a beautiful memory I will not forget.
It sure was an emotional day!!!
What a perfect ending to all of your dreams!!
2 beautiful kids to raise together!We're so proud of both you an Imants for going after your dream! :)
love, mom & dad
Great looked like a wonderful homecoming. I hope everything is going well! Thinking of you!
Hi Marcie-
Your comments about the trip home brought tears to my eyes - what a gift you have in your son. Enjoy his sweet love and may his grief be short and his joy be many!
-Heather in NH, from Holt BB
Welcome Home!! Hope you are getting a little more sleep and that Kalvis is adjusting well. I'm sure Livija is already a wonderful big sister!! Thinking of you all and wishing you a wonderful new life together! Your "until someday" has arrived!!
Welcome Home!
I am so happy that you are all together finally!!! It brought tears to my eyes to see how Livi took to her new brother and he finally here. Thanks for sharing this special moment with us and let us be apart of your family!!
Congrats again on your new addition!!
Okay, I have cried many times reading your blog, but today it is officially waterworks. I haven't had a chance to check your blog in the past week or so and just saw this. What amazing pictures and memories! I am so happy you are all together!
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